Course curriculum

    1. Please read our copyright notice.

    2. Course Overview and Outcomes

    3. Module Descriptions

    4. Welcome!

    1. Before You Begin: 5 Essential Questions

    2. Reflect - How should we define giftedness/high ability?

    3. A Little Background

    4. Historical Theories of Giftedness

    5. Additional Resources (optional)

    1. Putting Theories Into Context

    2. Putting Theories Into Context, cont...

    3. Even Geniuses Work Hard

    4. Choosing the Right Model for Your School

    5. Mindsets and Gifted Education_ Transformation in Progress - Growth Mindset Blog

    1. Myths and Misconceptions

    2. Misconception Bingo

    3. Myth Article - What Is Holding Back America’s Brightest Students

    4. Myth Article - 8 Reasons You Should Label Kids as Gifted.docx

    1. Identification Overview

    2. Identification in Context

    3. READ and REFLECT: Who are the Highly Able?

    1. Checklists and Screeners

    2. GATES-2 (Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales) - a behavioral checklist used to identify highly able/gifted and talented children.

    3. Reflect: How Do Checklists Help to Frame Our Thinking?

    4. The Hidden Gifted

About this course

  • $750.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content