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Video: Lee Ann and Amy talk about what emotions are.
Video: Marsha Linehan on the Functions of Emotions
Podcast: Emotions, Learning, and Resilience
Article: Understanding Emotions
Article: Emotion Theory and Research
Article: The Experience of Emotion
Web Resource: 5 Reasons Emotions Are Important
Web Resource: Emotions and Types of Emotional Responses
Article: Emotion-Related Regulation: Sharpening the Definition
Article: What is Emotion Regulation?
Video: Lee Ann and Amy talk about regulation.
Provocation: Be the Learner (from the podcast)
Video: Lee Ann and Amy talk about dysregulation.
Article: Reconsidering Emotion Dysregulation
Article: Social-emotional learning is essential to classroom management
Podcast: Understanding Behaviors and Emotional Regulation
Article: Emotional Reactivity and Regulation in Head Start Children
Web Resource: What is Dysregulation
Article: Physiological Arousal and Its Dysregulation in Child Maladjustment
Article: The Development of Emotion Regulation and Dysregulation: A Clinical Perspective
Slide deck for Emotions/Regulation/Dysregulation
Action and Discussion
Self Assessment
Video: Interview with Dr. Martha Wetter Introducing DBT
Video: Katie Morton on What is DBT?
Resource: Overview of DBT
Video: What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Video: Marsha Linehan on why DBT is useful
Podcast: DBT skills for every student
Video: Interview with Dr. Martha Wetter on the Dialectic
Video: Marsha Linehan answers "Are DBT skills for everyone?"
Article: Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Assessing the Efficacy of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Web Resource: Learn DBT Skills for Emotion Regulation
Article: Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Youth With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Web Resource: Learn about each of the four DBT skills and find numerous resources to use with your students.
Article: The Overlooked Children: How Teachers Can Support Children With Internalizing Behaviors
Video: Six Levels of Validation
Action and Discussion
Video: Examples of Validation in Conversation
Video: Interview with Dr. Martha Wetter on Validation
Resource: Quick Reference Guide to Validation
Article: The Effect of Therapist Use of Validation Strategies
Resource: Validation Worksheet
Slide deck for DBT, CBT and Validation
Article: Filling in Thought Holes: An Invaluable Social and Emotional Learning Lesson
Resource: Metacognitive Strategies to Combat Distortions
Resource: 13 Cognitive Distortions with Student Examples
Self Assessment
Action and Discussion
Video: Marsha Linehan on Mindfulness
Video: Interview with Dr. Martha Wetter on Mindfulness
Provocation: Acceptance (from the podcast)
Video: Learn about the Wise Mind
Web Resource: Best Practices for Mindfulness in Schools
Article: Mindfulness in the Classroom
Web Resource: Learn DBT Strategies for Mindfulness
Video: Mindfulness introduced to a group of students
Video: Katie Morton on the wrong way to breathe
Article: Is Mindfulness Safe for Trauma Survivors?
Article: The effects of mindfulness with young children
Resource: 73 Mindfulness Exercises
Resource: 3 Mindfulness Exercises
Resource: Download a PowerPoint deck on mindfulness.
Self Assessment
Video: Interview with Dr. Martha Wetter on Emotion Regulation
Video: Marsha Linehan on Emotional Regulation Skills
Article: There's More to Self-Regulation Than Meets the Eye
Article: Preventing Emotional Dysregulation in Schools with DBT
Article: Emotional well-being and its relationship to schools and classrooms:
Slide deck for Emotion Regulation
Action and Discussion
Self Assessment
VIdeo: Marsha Linehan on Distress Tolerance
Video: Interview with Dr. Martha Wetter on Distress Tolerance
Video: Interview with Dr. Martha Wetter on Calming
Web Resource: Learn Strategies for Distress Tolerance
Resource: ACCEPTS Strategy for Distress Tolerance
Resource: TIPP Handout for Students
Video: DBT Skill (TIPP) for Distress Tolerance
Video: Marsha Linehan on Radical Acceptance
Slide Deck for Distress Tolerance
Action and Discussion
Self Assessment

About this course
- $750.00
- 130 lessons
- 4.5 hours of video content

Instructor Amy Bain