Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Welcome (by Facilitator)

    3. Course Description & Practical Information

    4. Final Assignment

    1. Module's Focus

    2. Invitation to Learn

    3. Value Landscape

    4. Coaching as Professional Development

    5. Optional Reading: Professional Development Shouldn't Be Done to Teachers

    6. The 3 Cs: Coaching, Consulting, Collaborating

    7. The 3 Cs: Quiz

    8. Supporting Self-Directedness with Coaching

    9. Core Coaching Elements

    10. High-Quality Listening

    11. Listening Set-Asides

    12. Inquiring

    13. Coaching Tool: UDL-Focused Questions

    14. Takeaway Questions

    15. Evaluation vs Coaching

    16. Optional Reading: Self-Directed Learning: What it's not.

    17. Your Module's Reflection

    18. Action Plan Prompt

    19. Zoom Meeting #1 Slides

    20. Zoom Meeting #1 Recording

    21. (Request from participants) Medical vs. Social Model of Disability

    1. Module's Focus

    2. Invitation to Learn

    3. Coaching Encounters

    4. Identity Work

    5. Psychological Safety

    6. Embodiment

    7. Coaching Tool: Self Coaching

    8. Coach's Beliefs (Self and Other)

    9. Self-Assessment: Your Beliefs about Self and the Other

    10. Your Module's Reflection

    11. Coaching Tool: Setting Coaching Agreements

    12. Takeaway Questions

    13. Action Plan Prompt

    14. Zoom Meeting #2 Slides

    15. Zoom Meeting #2 Recording

    16. Extra Resources

    1. Module's Focus

    2. Invitation to Learn

    3. Culture & Climate

    4. Covert -isms

    5. The Hidden Curriculum

    6. Coaching Tool: Classroom Walkthrough Questions

    7. Optional Reading: Changing the Culture

    8. Coaching Tool: Inter-Vision

    9. Optional Reading: Praise vs Encouragement

    10. Coaching Cycle Part 1: Planning

    11. Takeaway Questions

    12. Your Module's Reflection

    13. Action Plan Prompt

    14. Zoom Meeting #3 Slides

    15. Zoom Meeting #3 Recording

    16. Extra Resources

    1. Module's Focus

    2. Invitation to Learn

    3. Systems Thinking

    4. Iceberg Model

    5. Tool for Teachers/Parents: Mistaken Goals

    6. Optional Reading: Complexity Leadership Theory

    7. Optional Reading: Complexity Leadership Theory (2016)

    8. Optional Reading: The Total Inclusivity Continuum for Schools

    9. Optional Reading: Mind the Gap (Aguilar)

    10. Coaching Tool: The Ladder of Inference

    11. Coaching Cycle Part 2: Observation

    12. Coaching Tool: 5 Forms of Feedback

    13. Takeaway Questions

    14. Your Module's Reflection

    15. Action Plan Prompt

    16. Zoom Meeting #4 Slides

    17. Zoom Meeting #4 Recording

    18. Extra Resources

    1. Module's Focus

    2. Invitation to Learn

    3. Creative Tension

    4. Teacher Agency Model

    5. System Change

    6. Reluctance to Change (Fullan)

    7. Emotions in Change

    8. Relationships Matter

    9. Coaching Protocol: Teachers Helping Teachers

    10. Coaching Tool: Mistaken Goal Chart

    11. The Power of Storying

    12. Coaching Cycle Part 3: Reflecting Conversation

    13. Coaching Tool: The Calibrating Conversation

    14. Coaching Protocol: Lesson Study

    15. Takeaway Questions

    16. Your Module's Reflection

    17. Action Plan Prompt

    18. Zoom Meeting #5 Slides

    19. Zoom Meeting #5 Recording

    20. Extra Resources

About this course

  • $750.00
  • 134 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content
