Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Question Time!

    3. Meeting Norms

    4. How to Approach the Course

    1. Module 1 Handout

    2. Resource: Guide to Visible Learning

    3. Resource: High-Impact Teaching Strategies

    4. Resource: High Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities

    5. Resource: High Impact Strategies Comparison Table

    1. Module 2 Handouts

    2. Video: Watch this video on implementing learning intentions and success criteria

    3. Handout: Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

    4. Examples: Weak and Strong Learning Intentions

    5. Resource: Template for Crafting Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

    6. Resource: Checklist To Evaluate Clarity and Focus on Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

    1. Module 1 Session Video

    2. Module 2 Session Video

    3. For next time...

    1. Module 3 Handouts

    2. Resource: What is Student Visible Learning?

    3. Resource: SMARTER Goal Setting Template

    4. Resource: The Power of Student-Designed Rubrics

    5. Video: How to Use Visible Thinking as an Approach to Support All Learners in the Classroom

    1. Module 4 Handouts

    2. Resource: Explicit Instruction Lesson Plan Template

    3. Resource: Scaffolding Examples

    4. Resource: I Do, We Do, You Do Strategy: How to use the gradual release strategy [PLUS Examples!]

    5. Resource: Question Stems: Depth of Knowledge

    6. Resource: Question Stems: Higher Order Thinking

    7. Resource: Question Stems: Comprehension

    8. Resource: Question Stems: Science

About this course

  • $750.00
  • 58 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

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