Course curriculum

    1. 📚 READ: 🔑 (Book Chapter) Culture of Inclusion

    2. ❓ ASK: 🔑 – Submit THREE DAYS ahead of the Zoom Meeting One

    3. 🎬 APPLY – Take action to practice or reflect on your learning

    4. 📚 READ: (Article) Summary of the Evidence on Inclusive Education

    1. 🎯 FOCUS: 🔑 Objectives for This Module

    2. 📚 READ: 🔑 (Book Chapter) Planning for Variability

    3. 🛠 EXPLORE: 🔑 (Guidelines) Visit the CAST website to learn more about the UDL guidelines

    4. 📚 READ: (Article) In this Educational Leadership article, Lee Ann Jung presents ways to design lessons with UDL in mind.

    5. 📚 READ: (Article) Learn about the difference between accommodations and modifications.

    6. 📚 READ: (Article) Read about the Universal Design for Learning framework.

    7. 🛠 EXPLORE: (Graphic Organizer) UDL Lesson Review

    1. 📚 READ: 🔑 (Book Chapter) Emotionally-Safe Classrooms

    2. 📚 READ (Article) Don't Forget About Me

    3. 📚 READ (Article) Introduction to Invitational Education

    4. 📺 WATCH (Video) Assume I Can

    5. 🛠 EXPLORE: (Resource) Recommended steps for co-creating class norms with students.

    1. 📚 READ: 🔑 (Book Chapter) Engaging Classrooms

    2. 📚 READ: (Article) Effects of the three-block model of universal design for learning on early and late middle school students' engagement

    3. 📚 READ: (Article) Increasing Engagement of English Learners Through Universal Design for Learning

    4. 📺 WATCH: Inclusive Design for Cognition

    5. 🛠 EXPLORE: Produces AI Music

    1. 📚 READ: 🔑 (Book Chapter) Options for Representation

    2. 🌍 VISIT: Bookshare--Books in Multiple Formats

    3. 🛠 EXPLORE: Free Icons and Images

    4. 🛠 EXPLORE: (Tool) Free Image Generator

    5. 🛠 EXPLORE: (Tool) Deep AI

    6. 🛠 EXPLORE: Create AI Music

About this course

  • $750.00
  • 34 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content
